
Interview with Comptoir Cremier, a gourmet place

Patrick Perraud, son of a winegrower, and Antoine sommelier and loyal partner, share a story of flavours with you, with their delicatessen Le Comptoir Cremier.

shop front

The idea was to combine the two trades, wine merchant and creamer, two offers in the same place

What is your background?

With Antoine, my partner, we have had almost the same career path. We took the BTS Art Culinaire et Art de la table in Thonon-les-Bains, then we went abroad, I to be a sommelier and Antoine to be a luxury hotel manager. Ten years ago I came back to France and became a Wine Bar Manager, Antoine returned last year after several destinations.

What is the concept of your grocery store?

The idea was to join the two trades, to bring everything together, wine merchant and creamer, two offers in the same place. At the time, there was a tasting concept, which is no longer current, we have stopped catering for good, whether it be take-away or on the premises. That was the idea at the beginning, to combine the two products to create a wine and cheese establishment.


Did you already have in mind the layout you wanted before you started?

When the shop was created, we had a first location, then in April 2021 we opted for a larger place with a beautiful 45m² shop space. We therefore removed all the furniture related to the restaurant (tables, chairs) to transform the establishment into a real shop. It worked quite well this winter and today we have only good feedback, we are asked less and less for catering.


What were the main difficulties you had to face?

We have a place that is totally triangular, we had a lot of trouble visualising how to really arrange the furniture. Now we have a circular layout where customers can walk around our products. The professional counter has proven to be the ideal central piece for structuring our space while facilitating interaction with customers. The wooden reception counter perfectly completed the layout by bringing a warm and elegant touch.

Why did you choose solid wood furniture?

Part of the decoration was made of wood, so we wanted to stay in that spirit: authentic and simple. We didn't want to go for something too modern, which didn't suit our products and Comptoir Crémier. 


Why this choice of finish?

For the finish, Aged Wood was quickly chosen for its authenticity, it was the finish that matched our products and our premises, we did not hesitate.


How did you discover TRADIS?

We started our research on the METRO website, then we quickly found your website where we could have more choice, furniture that better suited our needs. We were already familiar with the look of TRADIS furniture, thanks to a colleague who ordered via METRO, so ordering on the internet didn't scare us.

Are you satisfied with the purchase and delivery of your TRADIS furniture?

No problems with the delivery, the order arrived well packed, everything went very well.

Pratical Info


Le Comptoir Crémier grocery store

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