
Interview with the Fromagerie du Pays Savinois

Cheesemaker by trade for 5 generations, it is in Saujon (17) near Royan that Jean-Yves Marticorena and his wife opened their shop last September.

counter cheese factory

What is your background?

When I was a kid, my grandfather and I used to go to the markets in Lyon in the morning and in the afternoon we would go to the farms to fetch fresh milk to make what was sold the next day. 

After my studies, notably at the national school of dairy industry in Aurillac, I continued my experience as a cheese maker in Switzerland, Burgundy, Haute Savoie and Beaufortain. Then I worked for a while in mass distribution before returning to the roots of my profession. We liked the region and by chance a cheese market was opened up in Royan which we took over 7 years ago.

The history of your cheese dairy

As our storage space was becoming too small and the frequency of markets had been greatly reduced after the first confinement, we were looking for something else and we came across this premises which also offered a good sales area. But we couldn't just make cheese on this 90m² space! As we come from the Rhone Alps region, we decided to propose Savoyard and Lyon cooked pork meats and grocery products to highlight the craftsmen who work well and respect the product. We tried to sell what we like! 


What are the main difficulties you have had to face?

My experience in mass distribution and remodelling has made it easier for me! It was much easier to carry out the project, working on the site with the different craftsmen. The most stressful thing is the delivery times, the fact that more and more companies are working in a tight flow and therefore have to anticipate and adapt. 

Why did you choose solid wood furniture?

We like rustic and local products, so we were looking for something that would showcase the traditional craftsmen's products that we offer. The case is very important and solid wood was an obvious choice to remind us of the rustic and rustic side of our products.


How did you find out about TRADIS?

Through the internet! And the fact that we are neighbours and from the same region was decisive for us in our desire to favour local companies. Moreover it allowed us to see the furniture and to make up our minds.


Did you already have the layout in mind before you started?

Yes, I had already made plans and I knew what kind of furniture I wanted for what kind of space, for example, furniture and displays low in the centre so as not to obstruct the overall view. And then having seen the furniture in the showroom, it allowed us to compose and finalise the layout.

Did you have a specific finish in mind from the outset (aged wood, white, black)? 

We wanted something that looked natural, compared to what we offer as a product and the fact that we could see the furniture and finishes on site confirmed our choice of Aged Wood, which for us was the closest to the authenticity and the raw aspect we were looking for.


What do you like most about TRADIS furniture?

Their rustic character, the local look and the fact that they are sturdy and solid. The furniture matches the products we sell.

Are you satisfied with your collaboration with TRADIS?

Yes, the follow-up is personalised, our questions and enquiries have always been answered, and TRADIS has been responsive. 

practical info


La fromagerie du Pays Savinois
5 rue de la Croix du Bourdon 17600 Saujon

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